MSG Spear Las Vegas to begin construction

The Madison Square Garden Company and Las Vegas Sands began construction on Sept. 27, 2018 at the MSG Sphere in Venice Las Vegas, a new entertainment venue scheduled to open in fiscal year 2021. 슬롯머신

The project is a partnership between Madison Square Garden Company and Las Vegas Sands. Speakers at the event included Jane McGeeburn, EVP of development and construction; Rob Goldstein, President and COO of Las Vegas Sands; James L. Dolan, President and COO of Madison Square Garden Company; and Nevada Governor Brian Sands.

The Venetian MSG Sphere will be located on Sands Avenue between Manhattan Street and Koval Lane, and will feature an iconic sphere shape that will become a characteristic design element of the MSG Sphere venue. It will be over 360 feet tall and over 500 feet wide, with the capacity to expand more than 18,000 seats, with all seats in front of the stage.

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