I didn’t expect Hanwha to pick Kim Kang-min, the 23-year SSG man

I thought Choi Joo-hwan would be shocked, but there was a bigger shock than that. The last player to be selected as the 22nd overall pick in the 4th round. Hanwha surprisingly nominated outfielder Kim Kang-min, who has been in SSG for 23 years since his SK days. He was released from the SSG 35-man protection list at a time when he was contemplating extending his active duty and retiring, and Hanwha planned to nominate Kim Kang-min in the fourth round to strengthen the outfield depth.

The original team SSG was embarrassed by Hanwha’s nomination of Kim Kang-min. SSG, which even changed the coach who led the previous year’s integrated championship by declaring a generational change, could not include Kim Kang-min in the 35-member protection squad. The club offered him a training course with a retirement game. In the meantime, Hanwha had a great controversy as it nominated Kim Kang-min, but the SSG did not announce it externally, so Hanwha also had the right to nominate. 경마사이트

Hanwha General Manager Son Hyuk also said, “We don’t have the right to nominate,” adding, “We thought Kim Kang-min’s value was high when we looked at the present and future of the team.” He could go out as a starting player, and he didn’t think there was a player like him yet as a substitute or a big player. “I can play for another year or two,” he said. “He has been competing for the first and second place in outfield defense in Korea. With Kim Kang-min, the defense of young outfielders such as Choi In-ho, Lee Jin-young and Jang Jin-hyuk can be upgraded. Unlike what a coach teaches, it is also big to see and feel directly from the player,” he said, explaining the reason for the nomination of Kim Kang-min.

However, there is a possibility that Kim Kang-min will choose to retire as he is, so it is not yet certain whether he will actually wear Hanwha’s uniform. If Kim Kang-min retires, the transfer of 100 million won according to the nomination will be returned from SSG to Hanwha. Hanwha desperately wants player Kim Kang-min and plans to persuade him. Kim Kang-min decided to announce his position soon.

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