“Coup failure + Sancho join”…The last year of legend that’s getting shabby

German media Bild reported on the 6th (Korea time) that “With Jadon Sancho expected to join soon, Marco Reus’ position in the team is threatened as his relationship with coach Edin Tercic has deteriorated in recent weeks.”

Dortmund is currently showing the worst performance in the league. It has dropped to fifth place with seven wins, six draws and three losses, and is a whopping 15 points behind Leverkusen, who is in first place. And on Dec. 21 (Korea time), it was reported that Royce, the captain of the team, staged a coup d’état.

This summer, Terzic, a friend of Royce’s, showed his trust in the club by re-signing Hummels and Royce in exchange for the return of their captaincy. Royce started the season on a good note, accepting these conditions. However, with the fall of Dortmund, which is currently in its worst first half, the tide was turning subtly.

In the 13th minute of the second half at the match against Augsburg, Royce directly showed the relationship between the two, accepting Terzic’s handshake without seeing him. Since then, Terzic has not put Royce off the bench even though he showed a match against Mainz and a match against each other.

Not only Royce, but also his teammates Julian Brandt, Gregor Cobel, and Nicklas Pülcrucke have criticized the manager without hesitation and for his tactics and playing time. However, the club’s leaders have sided with Terzic. 메이저 토토사이트

Terzic has already responded to the coup, leaving Royce on the bench against Mainz, according to a report by German media outlet Bild. Royce could be relegated to the back-up or even threatened with deportation to the stands.

With Royce on Germany’s Euro 2024 list and still holding out hope of another contract extension at Borussia Dortmund, the manager’s retaliation means his career as a Dortmund legend could potentially come to an end.

To make matters worse, he will return to Dortmund by Sancho. If Sancho joins, he is expected to be placed in the central or wing position where Royce is currently playing. Due to his tense relationship with Terzic, Royce is likely to be lower in the squad.

However, with the locker room already against the coach, it is questionable whether Terzic will be safe with such retaliation. Despite stepping down as captain, Royce is still an important figure in the team and a fan favorite. Dortmund could now be forced to choose between Royce and Terzic, the club legends whose contracts expire in the summer.

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