Tiny TAN, the animated characters inspired by K-pop juggernaut BTS, has met Walt Disney’s “Toy Story.”BTS’ management company HYBE announced Thursday that their characters — which resemble the appearances of the seven BTS members — got a new look in the outfits of Toy Story’s main characters: Woody, Alien, Hamm, Rex, Buzz Lightyear, Forky and Lotso.”Leader RM’s character dons a cowboy hat and outfit, while Jin’s character wears Alien’s spacesuit,” the company explained in a statement.Last month, HYBE took to X — formerly Twitter — to unveil a cartoon hinting at the official collaboration.
HYBE and Walt Disney Korea began selling the merchandise featuring the newly made characters on April 3, which ranges from figurines to pens to blankets. The goods will also be available at Shinsegae department stores in Seoul and Busan from May. Shinsegae also plans to hold pop-ups on May 2, May 17 and June 7.”Thanks to the collaboration with ‘Toy Story,’ we could realize the increased value and status of Tiny TAN’s IP,” said Rhee Seung-suk, president of HYBE’s subsidiary HYBE IPX that created Tiny TAN in 2020.”We have prepared our own official products, various collaboration products and pop-ups with our partners, so we hope a lot of people can enjoy the characters created by the collaboration of two globally 스포츠토토존 loved IPs.”
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