A hidden contribution that should never be forgotten…Another Asian brought by Postecoglou

Yedinak is a familiar figure for fans who have watched the Premier League (PL) for a long time. A former member of the Australian national team, he played consistently in the PL during his time as a player. Yedinak, who joined Crystal Palace in the 2011-12 season, led the team to promotion to the PL. Shortly after entering the PL, he captained the team and successfully landed Palace in the PL.

After falling behind in the starting lineup, he moved to Aston Villa ahead of the 2016-17 season. He played as a starting player for Villa, who were struggling in the Championship (second division), and quietly completed his career in the 2018-19 season and began his leadership career.

After that, he worked as a coach at Villa and re-connected with Postecoglou, his teacher during the Australian national team. The two were communicating even when Postecoglou was active in Celtic, and they joined together as part of the division when Postecoglou was appointed to Tottenham.

In an interview with Australia’s “Optus Sports” on the 24th (Korea time), Yedinak said, “Coach Postecoglou always knew my intention. We had a conversation when the opportunity came, and he asked me to work for Tottenham. There was no need to think more in terms of learning and development. “I wanted to work in the first team, I was ready for that stage, I wanted to jump,” he said, explaining why he chose to go to Tottenham with Postecoglou. 스포츠토토

Yedinak coaches Tottenham’s defense and set play based on his experience as an outstanding defensive midfielder during his active career. How coach Yedinak prepares for defensive tactics is very important because Postecoglou is pursuing very aggressive football at Tottenham.

Tottenham, which showed a low-middle-ranked defense last season, is showing a completely different defense with new recruits. Even though he is playing more aggressive football than last season, his defense has improved. Mickey Van Der Pen, Destiny Udoji and Guglielmo Vicario are also active, but we should not forget coach Yenidak’s hidden contribution.

Unusually, however, coach Yedinak cannot be found on the bench when watching the game. When asked why, he joked, “It’s because there’s no space on the bench,” and said, “I’m with analysts.” I found a solution there and talked to other coaches. It’s for the team. It’s for the team, but there’s also extra work for the individual. “It is to use time as productively as possible,” he explained.

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