Singer and actor Kim Myung-soo, also known as L from Infinite, said his new romantic comedy series, “Dare to Love Me,” will have an interesting mix of historical elements in a modern-day setting.”This series has an irresistible charm that will grow on you as you watch. Things that would happen in time travel stories unfold in the real world with our series,” the actor said during a press conference for the series at a hotel in southwestern Seoul’s Guro District, Monday.”This series is unique in that it features period genre elements in a contemporary setting. And I think this uniqueness makes the series stand out from other works. It was also the part I found entertaining when I read the script.”
KBS’ new series “Dare to Love Me” revolves around a conservative man, Shin Yoon-bok (Kim), and an optimistic woman, Kim Hong-do (Lee Yoo-young).Shin lives in a Confucian village called Seongsan, where people preserved an old-fashioned style of living. When he leaves the village to the outside world, he meets Kim, who works as a contract employee at a fashion company and dreams of becoming a fashion designer.Based on the webtoon of the same name, the series is directed by Jang Yang-ho, who is known for leading the hit historical series “Mr. Queen” 카지노사이트킹 (2020-21) and “Moon Lovers: Scarlet Heart Ryeo”
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